Aural hematoma—Balloon ear; air pillow ear usually caused by mites. We have only experienced this once and treated it with arnica gel and pills daily.
Barber pole worms--Stomach worm parasites known as silent killers in goat herds during spring and fall, especially when winters are warmer than usual. These blood-sucking parasites live in the soil and become more active in warmer wetter weather. A wormload of these resistant killers requires more treatment than other parasites. It is best to treat simultaneously with dewormers from two different classes, such as Cydectin (Class 3: Macrocyclic Lactone; Moxidectin); repeat the treatment in 12 hours and repeat again in 10 days. Always choose what works best on your farm and in your area. See
Coccidiosis—Coccidia are protozoan that are present in the intestinal tract of all goats but which can quickly multiply into a coccidiosis infection and become deadly in a weak goat. Any goat that has diarrhea not resulting from wet or green grass or change of food is treated for coccidiosis as a precaution. Watery black foul-smelling 1diarrhea is usually a sign of coccidiosis. As a precaution, some farmers treat the entire herd if one member shows signs, of coccidiosis. A weak goat is also administered vitamin B-Complex for at least 1 to 3 days. If a kid under 1 year of age has diarrhea not caused by diet, we always treat it for coccidiosis individually without treating the entire herd.
Cough--While most coughs are caused by simple irritations to the throat or nose from hay, alfalfa or other allergens, a persistent cough can be caused by a virus. For persistent cough, I administer a few drops of VetRx for goats and sheep 1-2 times per day until the cough clears up. VetRx is like vapor rub drops. If the cough is accompanied by yellow nasal discharge, I also administer penicillin (5 days minimum), but very rarely need to do this. Occasional white mucous presence or discharge is usually caused by allergies. VetRx is a staple in the goat medicine chest but usually expires before it is all used up.
Diarrhea—Determine the cause and treat it, change in diet, worm overload, coccidia. We then administer Pepto-Bismol (Generic: Pink Bismuth); Dosage: Newborns 2 cc, Kids at or near one-month 5 cc, adult goats 10-15 cc. Can be administered as needed or every 4-6 hours.
Urinary Calculi-- A common metabolic disease of male goats, especially wethers. The disease occurs when calculi (stones), usually comprised of phosphate salts, lodge in the urinary tract and prevent urination. Normally, phosphorus is recycled through saliva and excreted via feces in ruminants. Symptoms: Tail twitching, restlessness, anxiety, a "hunched-up" body posture as the goat strains to urinate. Urinary calculi build up, also called “water belly,” can cause death and should not be left untreated. Call a veterinarian if the urine flow is no more than a dribble for a day. Ammonium Chloride dissolves the stones in the urinary tract and bladder. See Common Goat Meds That We Use.
*Note: We are not veterinarians and do not recommend medications, we simply share information on what works for us and our goats.